There are a variety of platforms hospitals use to manage patient accounts and track payments. But some systems are not designed to accommodate work with outside revenue cycle partners. This case study will examine common technical issues that muddy the water for a successful extended business office relationship.

The Problem:
When one of our longtime provider partners transitioned their revenue cycle management system to a new platform, they were confronted with a particularly disruptive limitation. The placement files and formats they had previously been using could no longer be created or shared with us, their Self Pay outsourcing partner. Even the software company's own representatives that we engaged were not sure their system could accommodate work with outside vendors. What used to be a standard operation suddenly appeared out of reach due to a software limitation the facility now faced.
The Solution:
The necessary data elements still existed within the host system, and we could see them in the user interface, but we would have to develop a new means by which to glean the data. Our team invested the time necessary to gain an in-depth understanding of the software platform, both in terms of the user interface and data structure. Following extensive research and test scenarios, our IT team developed a way to use the system's report building capabilities, intended for the facility’s internal use, and adapt these custom reports into a format that could automatically be pulled and delivered to our system, without the need for our provider partner to manually oversee this process.
The Impact:

Implementing this workaround meant our provider partner could save countless hours of manual labor by maintaining automated data transfers from their new system. It also meant uninterrupted service for their patients, whom we help guide to account resolution.
We have since been able to help other facilities that operate on this platform, in addition to many other revenue cycle technologies. While technical requirements can often feel daunting, it is important to realize you are not alone. The most important piece to a successful integration: a partner who is committed to building a solution that works for you.